
Figure.contour(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, data=None, **kwargs)

Contour table data by direct triangulation.

Takes a matrix, (x,y,z) pairs, or a file name as input and plots lines, polygons, or symbols at those locations on a map.

Must provide either data or x, y, and z.

[TODO: Insert more documentation]

Full option list at


  • B = frame
  • C = levels
  • G = label_placement
  • J = projection
  • L = triangular_mesh_pen
  • R = region
  • S = skip
  • W = pen
  • i = columns
x, y, z : 1d arrays

Arrays of x and y coordinates and values z of the data points.

data : str or 2d array

Either a data file name or a 2d numpy array with the tabular data.

J : str

Required if this is the first plot command. Select map projection.

R : str or list

Required if this is the first plot command. 'xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax[+r][+uunit]'. Specify the region of interest.

A : bool or str

'[m|p|x|y]' By default, geographic line segments are drawn as great circle arcs. To draw them as straight lines, use A.

B : str

Set map boundary frame and axes attributes.

C : Contour file or level(s)
D : Dump contour coordinates
E : Network information
G : Placement of labels
I : Color the triangles using CPT
L : Pen to draw the underlying triangulation (default none)
N : Do not clip contours
Q : Minimum contour length


S : Skip input points outside region


W : str

Set pen attributes for lines or the outline of symbols.

X : Origin shift x
Y : Origin shift y