
Session.create_data(self, family, geometry, mode, **kwargs)[source]

Create an empty GMT data container.

family : str

A valid GMT data family name (e.g., 'GMT_IS_DATASET'). See the data_families attribute for valid names.

geometry : str

A valid GMT data geometry name (e.g., 'GMT_IS_POINT'). See the data_geometries attribute for valid names.

mode : str

A valid GMT data mode (e.g., 'GMT_OUTPUT'). See the data_modes attribute for valid names.

dim : list of 4 integers

The dimensions of the dataset. See the documentation for the GMT C API function GMT_Create_Data (src/gmt_api.c) for the full range of options regarding ‘dim’. If None, will pass in the NULL pointer.

ranges : list of 4 floats

The dataset extent. Also a bit of a complicated argument. See the C function documentation. It’s called range in the C function but it would conflict with the Python built-in range function.

inc : list of 2 floats

The increments between points of the dataset. See the C function documentation.

registration : int

The node registration (what the coordinates mean). Can be 'GMT_GRID_PIXEL_REG' or 'GMT_GRID_NODE_REG'. Defaults to 'GMT_GRID_NODE_REG'.

pad : int

The grid padding. Defaults to GMT_PAD_DEFAULT.

data_ptr : int

A ctypes pointer (an integer) to the allocated GMT_Dataset object.